What We Teach : Employment
Key Staffing:
- Elliot Blackmore (Assistant Head Teacher & Careers Leader)
info@bradstow.wandsworth.sch.uk, Tel: 01843-862123 - Michaela Paul (Head of 6th Form and Work Related Learning)
info@bradstow.wandsworth.sch.uk, Tel: 01843-862123
Careers & Enterprise Curriculum:
We offer a bespoke careers curriculum provision for our young people to enable them to access, experience and develop an understanding related to the world of work. This is driven by our school values and supported around the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) outcomes and the important outcomes agreed in the individual Education, Health and Care Plans of each young person.
Our offer is embedded throughout the school from the lower school upwards to enable a breadth of study and consolidation of knowledge, skills and understanding as the young people work throughout the school. There will be planned opportunities for the young people to practice their newly acquired skills either in a work related setting on the school site or in a supported work experience placement tailored to both needs and interests.
We use information from the Talentino Careers Education Programme to offer us a starting point which we adapt to enable us to meet the individual needs of each young person and maintain a developmental progression towards recognised accreditation.
Bradstow School Careers Programme Overview.pdf
Work Related Learning & Work Experience:
While at Bradstow School each young person will have opportunities to experience the world of work related to their studies. These will be supported through Work Related Learning (WRL) opportunities based on the school site or off-site in small group experiences. Some young people will also have opportunities to practice the skills that they have learned in school in community experiences in various settings related to interests or chosen career paths.
At present we offer the following on and off-site opportunities that merge life-skills, employability skills, and cross-curricular academic progression:
- Horticulture
- Cooking & food preparation
- Domestic skills
- Decorating & DIY
- Crafts & Enterprise
- Retail
- Public services
- Charity
- Animal management
This list is not exhaustive and further opportunities will arise from time to time in addition to the existing partnerships we have.
Aspirations & Career Guidance:
Gatsby Benchmarks:
To ensure that we are regularly reviewing and assessing the provision we offer the young people here at Bradstow School, we compare our provision with that offered by other schools across the country using the Gatsby Benchmark Compass tool. This enables us to see how effective our provision is and it also enables us to provide statistical analysis towards each of the eight benchmarks.
To see how our provision compares with the national average of provision offered please refer to our Gatsby Benchmark Assessment Document and the action plan document showing how we are determined to regularly improve our provision. This is also presented to the Board of Governors on an annual basis.
Gatsby Benchmark: 19 March 2025.pdf
We offer some experiences for our young people in real businesses and industry in the local community. If you are a business owner or an industry manager and you would like to support us with the provisions we offer, please contact us and we will give you more information about the incentives that we offer to employers.
Employment Visual Road Map Yr1.pdf
Employment Visual Road Map Yr2.pdf
Employment Visual Road Map Yr3.pdf
Provider Access Policy : March 2023.pdf
Employment: 3 year curriculum road map.pdf
Want to know more about our school curriculum?: